Kailash Satyarthi Centre for Child Rights Launched at SRM Institute of Science and Technology
To institutionalise child rights and child protection in academic courses and support data driven decision making besides assisting in formulation and implementation of policies related to rights of children, Tamil Nadu-based SRM Institute for Science and Technology (SRMIST) has launched Kailash Satyarthi Centre for Child Rights (KS-CCR).
The centre has been launched as a part of a collaborative effort between Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation (KSCF) and SRMIST to design and develop child rights’ curriculum at undergraduate and post graduate level. The partnership would also entail training and capacity building of various stakeholders including law enforcement agencies, civil society members, corporates etc. about laws, provisions and other aspects that uphold rights of children.
KS-CCR, located within School of Public Health of SRMIST, is rolling out an Executive Certificate Course on Child Rights, Legal Provisions, Health and Well-Being of Children. The course is meant for professionals working on child-related issues and those who want to build their career around child rights. The Centre plans to introduce long-term child rights courses for the UG/PG students as the next step.
SRMIST is also offering five pre-reserved seats for children rescued and rehabilitated by Satyarthi Movement in its undergraduate courses such as BTech (E&I/Chemical/ Auto/Civil/Mechanical), BSc (Computer Science/ Physics/ Chemistry/Maths/ Psychology/ Public Health), BCA, BBA and other programmes in various faculties. Their tuition and hostel fees will be waived off.
- KS-CCR will identify child rights and child protection focussed texts in India’s regional languages to create and anthology of literature – stories, poems and texts for mainstream literature – in English, Hindi and other regional languages.
- ‘Student Club’ will be opened under the aegis of Director – Student Affairs focusing on Child Rights/Child Protection which will be involved in various cultural activities for sensitization and awareness generation.
- A 100 million for 100 million campaign club will also be opened under the ambit of KS-CCR to bring together SRMIST students to stand up for those children and youth whose rights have been violated.
- Host frequent workshop-cum-discussions involving artists, media personnel, cartoonists, authors, activists and thinkers to highlight child-centric issues.
- Establish ‘Scholar-in-Residence’ programmes focussing on child rights and child protection.
- KSCF-CCR will assist KSCF in drafting policy documents. Sustained discussions and engagement with relevant stakeholders may be jointly carried out for bringing about legislative changes for upholding rights of children.