20 Years. 849 Villages. 6 States.
374,315 Changed Lives. Immeasurable Smiles
Innovative. Transformative. Award Winning. Child Centered.
Holistic. Community Based. Best Practice Model
The Bal Mitra Gram™ (BMG™) or Child Friendly Village has been the one-stop solution for holistic child protection since 2001.
It works towards preventing child exploitation such as child trafficking, child labour and child marriage right at its source along with addressing other cross-cutting issues of education, child sexual abuse, water, sanitation, hygiene and livelihood. Taking democratic actions to empower the community based stakeholders, through a rights based approach, this model breaks the systemic barriers of oppression, in access to rights and injustice.
.The Bal Mitra Gram (BMG) model ensures every child is free, safe and educated.
Our Impact since 2001
Impact created since 2001:
- 184 child-friendly villages created
- 43807 total population reached in villages
- 21 children withdrawn from child labour
- 22 child marriages stopped
- 2300 children mainstreamed in education
- 185 bicycles distributed to girls for access to schools
- 27501 households linked with social security schemes
- 2442 child leaders created
- 166 school infrastructure improvements
- 193 water infrastructures improved and installed
- 1352 influential community leaders created including women and youth
- 4685 home-based education provided during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 625 COVID-19 Meals
Issues addressed:
- Child Labour
- Child Trafficking
- Education
- Child Marriage
- Health & Nutrition
- Livelihood
Impact created since 2007:
- 501 child-friendly villages created
- 231235 total population reached in villages
- 12481 children withdrawn from child labour
- 334 child marriages stopped
- 24997 children mainstreamed in education
- 959 bicycles distributed to girls for access to schools
- 22051 households linked with social security schemes
- 14311 child leaders created
- 585 school infrastructure improvements
- 1003 water infrastructures improved and installed
- 13026 influential community leaders created including women and youth
- 16919 home-based education provided during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 9516 COVID-19 Meals
Issues addressed:
- Child Labour
- Child Trafficking
- Education
- Child Marriage
- Health & Nutrition
- Livelihood
Impact created since 2008:
- 99 child-friendly villages created
- 46972 total population reached in villages
- 338 Children withdrawn from child labour
- 4 Child marriages stopped
- 17571 children mainstreamed in education
- 150 bicycles distributed to girls for access to schools
- 1966 households linked with social security schemes
- 1408 child leaders created
- 45 school infrastructure improvements
- 3536 influential community leaders created including women and youth
- 5574 home-based education provided during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 201 COVID-19 Meals
Issues addressed:
- Child Labour
- Child Trafficking
- Education
- Child Marriage
- Health & Nutrition
- Livelihood
Impact created since 2010:
- 20 child-friendly villages created
- 6416 total population reached in villages
- 4 children withdrawn from child labour
- 19 child marriage stopped
- 73 children mainstreamed in education
- 137 bicycles distributed to girls for access to schools
- 7410 households linked with social security schemes
- 1452 child leaders created
- 9 school infrastructure improved
- 520 influential community leaders created including women and youth
- 523 home-based education provided during the COVID-19 pandemic
Issues addressed:
- Child Labour
- Child Trafficking
- Education
- Child Marriage
- Health & Nutrition
- Livelihood
Impact created since 2016:
- 45 child-friendly villages created
- 19855 total population reached in villages
- 4679 children mainstreamed in education
- 116 bicycles distributed to girls for access to schools
- 257 households linked with social security schemes
- 550 child leaders created
- 780 influential community leaders created including women and youth
- 679 home-based education provided during the COVID-19 pandemic
Issues addressed:
- Child Labour
- Child Trafficking
- Education
- Child Marriage
- Health & Nutrition
- Livelihood

Child friendly Village Model

awards and accolades
- Mahatma Award for Social Good 2020 awarded to KSCF for implementing a child-centred community development model Bal Mitra Gram™
- The Diana Award, 2020, to BMG™ leader Neeraj Murmu (Jharkhand)
- The Diana Award, 2019, to BMG™ leader Champa Kumari (Jharkhand)
- Governor of Jharkhand Smt. Droupadi Murmu honoured BMG™ leader Champa Kumari
- Goalkeepers Global Goals Change Maker Award, 2019, to BMG™ leader Payal Jangid (Rajasthan)
- Japanese Award for Most Innovative Development Project by Global Development Network in 2010
Success Stories
Teacher “Didi” Rajkumari: Today A Catalyst For Change
Read More "Teacher “Didi” Rajkumari: Today A Catalyst For Change"
Once A Child Labourer, 15-year-old Kuldip Leads School Enrolment Drive For Children In His Jharkhand Village
KSCF Bal Panchayat Member Priyanka Kumari Plays Key Role In Rescue Of 5 Trafficked Children
From a brick kiln to a Bsc degree, Rajesh shows the way
Read More "From a brick kiln to a Bsc degree, Rajesh shows the way"
Manan Ansari: Once a Child Labour, Now A Role Model
Read More "Manan Ansari: Once a Child Labour, Now A Role Model"