Training and capacity building is a key component of Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation’s programmatic interventions. From conducting targeted training sessions to preparing key documents for wider dissemination, the Training & Capacity Building Division holds multiple workshops based on invitation and requests from government agencies, police, legal functionaries, academic institutions and panchayats across the country to sensitize stakeholders on different aspects of child rights, child protection and relevant laws.
Here is a snapshot of what the Training & Capacity Building Division has achieved in 2021:
- 17,457 persons covered in training sessions
- 6,657 police personnel sensitized on children’s issues
- 2,635 personnel from law enforcement agencies trained
- 192 workshops conducted
- 17 states covered
- 332 Districts covered
- 21 training related documents developed
- Appointed as member of State Level Selection Committee under JJ Act
- Developed Child Protection Policy for Haryana
- Drafted Hostel Act for Karnataka
- Training Modules developed for:
– Police on all child protection issues
– Anganwadi workers on child protection
– Teachers on COVID-19 and child protection
- Key pointers for police developed on all child protection issues
- Guidelines developed for functioning of Village Level Child Protection Committees (VLCPCs)
- Behaviour change module for police developed
- Counselling sessions organized for children living in Child Care Institutions (CCIs) in Delhi and Rajasthan